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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Disillusioned by my Career

Dear Fabian and Karla,
From the time was 7 years old I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up.  After high school I went to college and invested 5 years of my time and money to obtain the degree that would enable me to work in my prospective field.  I graduated a year ago and found a job.  My career has been challenging and frustrating.  It is not what I expected.  Every morning before I go to work my stomach is tied in knots and I dread being there.  I keep hoping it will get better but it only seems to get worse.  I feel so disappointed and I don't know what to do.  I invested so much time and money and now I hate what I am doing.  Please help me with any advice you may have about improving my situation?
-I don't like my job!

Karla Says:
Wouldn't it be great if we could work at our chosen job before we go to school for it.  It would save some heart ache.  I invite you to spend some time alone and reflect on what you like about your job and what specifically you don't like.  I then encourage you to seek out some other peers in your profession that you trust and who seem to like their job.  Share your concerns and ask for some guidance.  Find out if there are different possibilities for you in your chosen career.  If after all of your soul searching you are still dissatisfied I encourage you to focus on the positives.  You are blessed with a job.  You have a paycheck coming in while you figure out what to do next.  Spend some time being real with yourself and journal about what kind of career would suit you better.  I encourage you to list your personal strengths.  Think back to every compliment you have received and write them down find the themes.  Then I invite you to journal about what actions make you the happiest.  Find a match with the things you love to do and a career. For all you know it might not take that much extra schooling to obtain the job of your dreams.  I always like to remember that it is an absolute privilege to be able to question whether we are happy or not in a chosen career.  This is a privilege that only a select few in our world get to enjoy.  I wish you luck and the absolute best.

Fabian Says:
Quit and find something else to do.  The one thing I can say about completing college is that it shows others you are disciplined enough to commit yourself for however long to something, whether it be studying or partying.  In today’s society everyone has pushed the re-set button on life, finances, love and whatever else they can.  Do not beat yourself up over the fact you do not like the profession you got yourself into, individuals do it all the time.  If it never happened we would not have mid-life crisis that turn out to be a blessing that allow us to do something great.  If your work is making you sick you definitely need to reevaluate your circumstance.  Find an area within your profession that you can tolerate until you figure out your next move.  You know the old saying “the best time to find a new job is when you have one”.  You need to remember what your parents use to say to you as a child “it’s OK sweetie it you don’t like that one you can always get another”, go out and find yourself another and don't worry about it, it will all work itself out.