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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Budgeting Woes

Dear Fabian and Karla,
How can I make and use a budget when my other half doesn't think we need one?
-In need of a budget.

Fabian Says:
If you think you need a budget you are one of the few and disciplined individuals that can pull it off.  A person who does not want a budget feels they can control their life without putting limitations on things.  If one person wants a budget and the other does not set up different accounts; one for family/house expenses and savings which is attached to a budget, and one for the person who does not want a budget and whatever is left over from the previous account can go into this one.  This person feels they have control over their habits and can control themselves.  Do a budget if you want to, it will not hurt to hell with the other person.   LOL.

Karla Says:
I feel that the proof is in the pudding.  What I have done in the past is sat down with our monthly bank statement and went through it line by line separating what was spent on groceries, mortgage, utilities, eating out, clothes, gas, car payments, etc.  I then added up income and I compared it to spending.  It was shocking to see how much was being spent compared to income and how little was being saved.  From there I looked at areas where money could be saved.  (For example I noticed that we were buying groceries several times a week and if we would just go once a week with a good shopping list we could save a great deal of money).  I became extremely motivated when I thought of what could be saved and how much fun could be had if we just set a few limits.  It has been my experience that I get better results with my partner when I approach him with cold hard data rather than just an idea.  I wish you the best!  I believe budgeting is valuable!!


  1. There is a free web-based personal finance management website called It breaks down your spendings and savings in visually creative ways. You can set up multiple budgets on it and the system helps you track EVERYTHING! It's really amazing and very eye opening! Something like this could help your partner to visually see where you're coming from and may even encourage them to give it a try. As Fabian says it may be a control thing. But I agree with Karla that once one sees how they could be putting more aside for fun things like extravagant vacations then there's a good chance one could get motivated. Best of luck!

  2. Great find lovefromape. I have actually been looking at this financial management tool for a while (it is available for IPhone and Android users). If you have ever used Quicken financial, QuickBooks or any other personal or company budgeting tool this is the slim down easer version for all (there might even be a book out there “ for dummies” I’m just saying). Although I agree (yes I said it) with my lovely wife that “once a person see how much he/s is saving they are more incline to save” BUT if that person is anything like me they would want to see cold hard facts. I would say try out and then present you case for a budget.
    Thanks again lovefromape for your find. You get a :-) and ☆ ☆.
