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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Dating Dilemma

Dear Fabian and Karla,
It has been a few years since I have gone out on a date and I feel a little rusty.  I was asked out by a coworker.  In the past when I went out on dates I always paid my way.  Since this guy asked me on the date do I still pay or does he?
-Dutch or Not?

Fabian Says:
The Dutch has two things going for them I believe (1) those pointy orange shoe (Orange is the color of the Dutch Royal Family. The lineage of the current dynasty -- the House of Oranje-Nassau dates back to Willem van Oranje (William of Orange) and (2) the ability to get away with smoking marijuana legally.  As far as “Dutch” goes with dating it gets a little misconstrued here in the states I think.  With our society turning into a giant pile of cow poo, we need to get back to the traditions of yest er years.  If a “gentleman”, face it there are not too many of us left out there, asks a young lady out (same goes for you ladies there are not too many of you left out there either) he should pick up the tab.  Here is why I think so; it does not matter how much money you make (male or female) or how much money you had growing up, deep inside you want to be taken care of.  Men want to be taken care of with _._._ Woman want to know their man is going to be there for them through thick or thin.  Yes the woman can offer to pay but a real man would thank her but still pick up the check. 
To be on the safe side however make sure you do not forget your wallet at home or in the car and don’t forget cab fare if you drive together (but that’s another topic).

Karla Says:
In this particular situation I believe that the man should pay because he asked you out.  I also agree with Fabian that your wallet should come with you in case you are met with a surprise.  I hope you have fun!

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