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Thursday, October 20, 2011

When Is Young Too Young?

Dear Fabian and Karla,
I am concerned about my brother who is about to marry a lovely young woman who is very young.  He is in his soon to be mid thirties and she is in her very early twenties.  My concern is that my brother has a daughter that will live with them full time and he is about to marry someone who is young and makes young people decisions.  My soon to be sister in law just quit her great job because it wasn't fulfilling.  She is contemplating finding a job she likes and maybe just part time.   I am concerned that she is not ready for the commitment she is about to embark on.   How young is too young?
-Worried she is not ready.

Karla Says:
So when I first think of your problem I get all mother hen and protective and I worry about your brothers decision to marry this young woman who seems a little impulsive and young........ And then I step back and know that your brother's choice is his choice.  I also know that as appealing as it is to worry about others especially our family this is a true distraction from our own personal well being.  I have also come to believe it is a waste of time and even harmful to us and our loved ones.  I invite you to love your brother and his soon to be wife and bless them with your hope and peace.  I also invite you to invest your precious energy to yourself.  I leave you with an observation a stranger said to me once, " Worry is simply a prayer for the negative."  Wishing you the absolute best!

Fabian Say:
OK you said this young lady is a “lovely lady”, so what is the problem?  Is it because she is a lovely lady, is it because she is young or is it because she is dating and getting ready to marry your brother?  The word on the street is a person can date someone 16yrs his/her junior (you do have to be over 18yrs old first otherwise it’s just creepy) if they are under 35 years old.  If you are however over 35 this practice is frowned upon and you fit into the other dating category that say; if you are over 35yrs you can only date anyone older that you no matter the age.  So society has set its standards once again on the way we live our lives.  If your brother is happy then let him be, talk to him about protecting himself but allow him to be happy.  If you find out he is trying to live the life of Hugh Hefner remind him he is not Hugh and it will be short lived.  Don’t worry too much about the age thing look at Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher they had a good run.  My advice to you about her decision making abilities is that even old folks make young people decisions (midlife crises and all the horror that goes alone with it).  Her desire to find work that is more appealing to her sounds like a grown up decision to me who cares if it’s part time at least she will be working.  Don’t we all desire to find work that is appealing especially as adults or “grown-ups” as you say.  Protect your brother by all means but if she is treating him well and he is happy with her allow him to have fun you might also want to tell him to read our budgeting post it might help him out in the long run.       

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